پنجشنبه، تیر ۲۴، ۱۳۸۹

توضيح دکتر هدايت الله متين دفتری در مورد يک داستان که در حاشيه حضور مصدق در دادگاه لاهه نقل می شود

ارسالی مهدی خانباباتهرانی

Ba dorod, bary ettela Doustani ke emaile marbot be Akse Dr.Mossadegh dar dadgahe Lahe ra daryaft kardehand. Ba ehteram.Mehdi

مهدی جان
این قضیه را ساخته اند، درست نیست چه از لحاظ تاریخی وچه از جهت خلقیات مصدق

Begin forwarded message:

From: Matine-Daftary <>
Date: 24 May 2010 14:13:33 GMT+02:00
To: Mnouchehr ...
Subject: Fwd: می دانیم جایمان کجاست

با سلام
دوست عزیز درباره ی درستی یا نادرستی این داستان چه می فرمایید؟ .
تندرست و شاد باشید

دوست گرامی
.اتفاقاً دیروز یکی از دوستان با دیدن متنی به انگلیسی همین سؤال را کرده بود که جوابش را همراه بادو عکس برایش دادم که در زیر میبینید و میتوانید بخوانید

مصدق چنین نکرده و چنین عملی با فرهنگ وآداب او وفق نمیدهد
هدایت متین دفتری

This tale which at its best is fabricated by an ignorant "well wisher", has continuously been passed around for several months.I personally, having been a constant observer of the 1952 events in the Hague, do not recollect such an act to have been committed by the great man.
Moreover, a close relative who was present at the Hague, also confirms that such an episode never took place. Furthermore those present at the time never related such an event. Had it taken place, it would have definitely been reported by the Press which was present and had the events under its close scrutiny.
A distinguished former Iranian diplomat who was in the Iranian mission at the Hague and at Dr Mossadegh's side during the hearings, namely Mr Aslan Afshar, having read this tale, sometime ago, clearly told me that it was definitely not true. He, too, added that Mossadegh's dignity and culture would in any case not allow him such frivolities. The International Court of Justice had ushers, Mossadegh did not enter the court alone. He entered the place as photographs that I have added below show, with his entire mission. They were ushered by officials to their seats on the front row, facing the judges on the right side whilst the British Mission was ushered to the same position on the left side of the front row the audience hall. Last but not least, considering Mossadegh's integrity and refinements, it is only a tale and cannot be true.
Hedayat Matine-Daftary

1. Mossadegh's solemn entry to The International Court at The Hague with his son and the Iranian Mission. Hossein Navvab the Iranian Ambassador and others including the press photographers all behind him:

2. The Iranian Mission on the right side and the British Mission on the left side of the front row! Those seated on the front row include Hasibi, Aliabadi, Shayegan, Entezam, Professor Rolin, Mossadegh and Navvab the Iranian Ambassador to Holland. The person seated on the 2nd row directly behind Mossadegh and Hossein Navvab, smiling, (چهره خندان) is no one but Aslan Afshar:

Date: 18 May 2010 17:30:47 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Fw: می دانیم جایمان کجاست

Dear Friends,
I am not sure whether this story is true. As you know, I'm 4 years older than you two, and was following very closely the proceedings of the Iran VS Britain case in the LaHague World Court in those days. I don't remember hearing such a thing in the news of those days. However, knowing Mossadeq and his theatrics, this could be true. I always thought those young Iranians who did not see or hear about Mossadeq's era, may have forgotten---or rather never learned---how special he was in our history. Because the sender of this email, AliNemat is relatively young, it appears to me Mossadeq and his story are not going to be lost in the mist of time, no matter how hard the current Ayatollahcracy tries to bury him and his service and keep him out of the eyes and minds of the current generation.

----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:48:37 AM
Subject: Fw: می دانیم جایمان کجاست

----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 8:52:45 AM
Subject: Fw: می دانیم جایمان کجاست

3. This picture was attached by myself to a similar comment negating the tale, was kept on the circular whilst the comment was eradicated by some tale lover who prefers history based on tales and satires rather than facts,

مي گويند زماني که قرار بود دادگاه لاهه براي رسيدگي به دعاوي انگليس در
ماجراي ملي شدن صنعت نفت تشکيل شود ، دکتر مصدق با هيات همراه زودتر از
موقع به محل رفت . در حالي که پيشاپيش جاي نشستن همه ي شرکت کنندگان
تعيين شده بود ، دکتر مصدق رفت و به نمايندگي هيات ايران روي صندلي
نماينده انگلستان نشست .

قبل از شروع جلسه ، يکي دو بار به دکتر مصدق گفتند که اينجا براي نماينده
هيات انگليسي در نظر گرفته شده و جاي شما آن جاست ، اما پيرمرد توجهي
نكرد و روي همان صندلي نشست ..

جلسه داشت شروع مي شد و نماينده هيات انگليس روبروي دکتر مصدق منتظر
ايستاده بود تا بلکه بلند شود و روي صندلي خويش بنشيند ، اما پيرمرد
اصلاً نگاهش هم نمي کرد .

جلسه شروع شد و قاضي رسيدگي کننده به مصدق رو کرد و گفت که شما جاي
نماينده انگلستان نشسته ايد ، جاي شما آن جاست .

کم کم ماجرا داشت پيچيده مي شد و بيخ پيدا ميكرد که مصدق بالاخره به صدا
در آمد و گفت :

شما فكر مي کنيد نمي دانيم صندلي ما کجاست و صندلي نماينده هيات انگليس
کدام است ؟

نه جناب رييس ، خوب مي دانيم جايمان کدام است ..

اما علت اينكه چند دقيقه اي روي صندلي دوستان نشستم به خاطر اين بود تا
دوستان بدانند برجاي ديگران نشستن يعني چه ؟

او اضافه کرد که سال هاي سال است دولت انگلستان در سرزمين ما خيمه زده و
کم کم يادشان رفته که جايشان اين جا نيست و ايران سرزمين آبا و اجدادي
ماست نه سرزمين آنان ...

سكوتي عميق فضاي دادگاه را احاطه كرده بود و دكتر مصدق بعد از پايان
سخنانش كمي سكوت كرد و آرام بلند شد و به روي صندلي خويش قرار گرفت.

با همين ابتکار و حرکت ، عجيب بود که تا انتهاي نشست ، فضاي جلسه تحت
تاثير مستقيم اين رفتار پيرمرد قرار گرفته بود و در نهايت نيز انگلستان
محکوم شد.

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بايگانی وبلاگ